【Student feedback】
Languages Supported |
Chinese Taiwanese English Japanese |
Supported Lessons |
Regular Chinese Lesson/Business Chinese/Chinese Test Preparation/Chinese lessons for children/C-POP |
academic background |
首府大學 (旧 致遠管理學院) (university) 《Qualifications》 東海大學華語師資培訓班(Chinese Language Training Course Completion) Japanese-Language Proficiency Test(N3) TOEIC 815 CU-TFL IVPT-A2
career |
May 2015- Lessons begin at TCEC Thailand (Chinese language instructor experience)
Skype Name |
Skype Name will be open only for members. Please confirm it in the reservation system. The alphanumeric characters in [ ] after the teacher's name displayed in the reservation system is the teacher's Skype name. |
self-introduction |
你好,我的名字叫”林君芳”老師。我平常喜歡游泳和旅遊。 曾經到過日本、美國、和東南亞...等國家。前幾年我外派到越南工作,工作之餘 學習了越南話。這兩年我到泰國清邁旅遊兼進修,順便學習了泰國話,之後也在 泰國教中文。學習外語是非常有趣的,從陌生到熟悉也很有挑戰性,相信我的外 語學習經驗一定可以幫助你快樂的學習中文!
Hello, I’m teacher Lin . Let’s start learning Mandarin and have a fun time in the class. |
Teachers' weekly schedules are only displayed on the computer site.