HOME | No.25 Selma Yang

No.25 Selma Yang
楊依璇老師(yáng yī xuán )

【Student feedback】

Languages Supported    Chinese   English
Supported Lessons Regular Chinese Lesson/Chinese Test Preparation
academic background
臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系(graduate school)

華語文遠距師資及教學實務培訓班 (117小時) (Chinese Language Training Course Completion)
Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL)
March 2023- Lessons begin at TCEC

Skype Name

Skype Name will be open only for members. Please confirm it in the reservation system.
The alphanumeric characters in [ ] after the teacher's name displayed in the reservation system is the teacher's Skype name.


My name is Yang Yi Hsuan. My habit is singing, gardening, essential oil and making incense. I like to make new friends. I also like to dance. I already learn belly dance for two years.

Teachers' weekly schedules are only displayed on the computer site.