HOME | No.12 Lucy Chang

No.12 Lucy Chang
張萱老師(zhāng xuān)



【Student feedback】
★★★★説明が分かりやすかった。 ★★★★★老師推薦給我了台中,宜蘭,彰化等地的景點和美食,也教了我一些台語。我們也一起談了一下台灣和日本的文化等,很有意思。謝謝老師! ★★★★★粘り強く発音を教えていただきました。ありがとうございました。
Languages Supported   Chinese  Taiwanese  English
Supported Lessons Regular Chinese Lesson/Business Chinese/Chinese Test Preparation/Chinese lessons for children/C-POP
academic background
靜宜大學英文系 (university)
東海大學師資培訓課程結訓證書  Chinese Language Training Course Completion

June 2024-Lessons begin at TCEC
Muir Elementary School, U.S.A. (Experience teaching Chinese)

Skype Name

Skype Name will be open only for members. Please confirm it in the reservation system.
The alphanumeric characters in [ ] after the teacher's name displayed in the reservation system is the teacher's Skype name.


Hello, I am Lucy Hsuan Chang. I have taught students from many countries. Moreover, I have been to America before and taught Mandarin Chinese at the elementary school in Utah. I like traveling, photography, and polymer clay crafts making. I am looking forward to learning Mandarin with you. Enjoy your adventure of Mandarin. 

Teachers' weekly schedules are only displayed on the computer site.